With excellent people and equipment, we are quick and efficient.  We have plows, shovels, snow blowers and salters.  For residential and commercial customers we clear driveways, walks, parking lots and plazas. We can also apply salt, if so desired.  Regardless of the time of day, as soon as there is accumulation of 2”, we begin.  In severe storms we may visit twice and continue until the snow stops and all properties are clean.  We look forward to it. Its all we do in the winter.




Our services are tailored to meet individual needs. Simply state your desires and they will be added to the list right next to your address. After the first visit it is learned, remembered and becomes habit.

We understand the need for speed. We work only in a few select neighbourhoods and accept responsibility for  properties we believe can be completed in a timely manner.  People are happy with us.